Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, Kyla came home with a note from school informing parents that they're having pancakes the next day since it's Pancake Tuesday! But what exactly is Pancake Tuesday?

When I asked the hubby what Pancake Tuesday was, all he said was, "It's the day before Ash Wednesday."

So what? Again... I consulted my friend Wiki. Here is what I learned:

"Shrove Tuesday is a term used for the day preceding the first day of the Christian season of fasting and prayer called lent.

The festival is widely associated with the eating of foods such as pancakes, and often known simply as Pancake Day, originally because these used up ingredients such as fat and eggs, the consumption of which was traditionally restricted during Lent."

That's it?! It's all because of the ingredients? If it were up to me, I'd call it ALL MEAT YOU CAN EAT DAY! Afterall, I can still eat pancakes any time I want during Lent- but not meat.

*The hubby and I enjoyed All You Can Eat Pancakes today for $3.99/each!

1 comment:

  1. Here in the US, they call it PASCKI (pronounced punchki [?] ) day. This one is like a doughnut with added cholesterol.
