Tuesday, June 9, 2009


June 6, 2008: My last day at work! Exactly 2 weeks later, I gave birth to Kaelene.

June 8, 2009: My first day back after my maternity leave. It was bittersweet. I was kinda glad to go back to work cuz I have that 8 hours guaranteed time to myself, but at the same time I was sad because I hated leaving my babies!

Oh wellz. I'll just have to look at the brighter side- we have more moolah coming in!!! YAY!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Another great thing about our resort was the Kids Club. They had different activities for children aged 4-12 every day. Parents can drop off their kids as early as 10am and pick them up at 5pm. Kyla got to do some arts and crafts while she was there one day for about an hour. Then at 8pm every night, they have a kids disco on the main stage. The kids get to dance, play games and win prizes. Kyla participated in the kids disco every single night. On our last night, Kyla finally won the game! That made her vacation.

For the hubby and I, it was the food that made us happy.

Every night, that pot (in the picture above) has something different. Our first night it was paella. It was oh-so-yummy! We always looked forward to eating whatever was in that pot. But that wasn't the only thing they served. The resort had 5 restaurants all in all: the main buffet which served all kinds of food, a steakhouse which overlooked the ocean and land's end and a Mexican, Italian and Asian restaurants. The food in all restaurants were great!

More Cabo coming up...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


We woke up at 7am the next day (9am Toronto time since they are 2 hours behind). We got dressed and headed out to get breakfast at the main buffet, La Baja California. But before that, we had to take a picture just outside our villa.

The main buffet was HUGE! Kyla was amazed at how much food there was. Her favourite was the made-to-order omelettes and the quesadillas, which she ate at every single meal. We ate so much and drank different fresh fruit juices! As we were getting up to leave, Kyla stopped us and asked, "Mommy, aren't we gonna pay?" Hey, at least she was honest! LOL. We explained to her that everything is already paid for so we didn't have to pay for any food and drinks during the entire stay at the resort. You should've seen how amazed she was. Next, we're off to the hotel briefing held at the main stage, La Monumental.

The briefing started at 10:15am and the Sunquest representative pretty much just told us about the resort, the town(s) and talked about the different tours/excursions we can go on. He also introduced us to the heads of the different departments in the resort. Afterwards, we started walking towards the beach!

I was not disappointed when I saw the beautiful view of the beach and Land's End (that mountain you see in the picture). There also was a Carnival cruise ship docked in the ocean that morning. Los Cabos, by the way, is a very popular cruise destination so there was a different cruise ship docked there pretty much every day. Now it's time to relax and have fun! Let's go to the pool! (The resort had 6 pools!)

We decided to stay at the pool right infront of our villa. The water was a little cool but Kyla didn't care. She jumped right in! Then the hubby went in with her but all he wanted to do was chill. Ha-ha-ha. Lame joke, I know!

Several minutes later, Kaelene wanted to join them. I didn't want her to go in at first because of the water being a little cold but this girl wasn't gonna take NO for an answer. Well, actually, all she had to do was give her dad that sad, puppy look and out daddy came to take her in.

Can you see how happy and excited she was? She didn't seem to care about the cold water, either. Then, it's my turn. I wasn't brave enough to jump in. I just wanted to get wet a little bit just to cool off and take pictures in the pool. So I just chilled (yes, I did it again) by the sunbeds in the pool.

It was nice and relaxing! But Kaelene did not wanna stay still in that sunbed. She wanted to swim with her big sister. Swim, swim, swim. Now we're hungry!

Good thing the Mexican restaurant, La Mision, is just a few steps away. It's buffet-style for lunch. We ate so much- but not as much as the hubby! Look at him ravish this burrito- which became his favourite dish for the rest of our stay!

More Cabo coming up!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Since I'm now getting back into this whole blogging thing, I might as well share with all of you how our vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico went (as promised a looonnnngggg time ago). LOL.

We were scheduled to leave Toronto at 12:20pm on April 16th. Upon checking in at the airport, we found out that our flight was delayed 3 hours. 3 hours later it got delayed to another 3 hours. And 3 hours later it got delayed to another couple of hours- that's a whole other story. It was a loooonnnngggg day at the airport- especially for the kids. But somehow, Daddy always found a way to entertain them.

Anyone up for a non-stop movator ride?

Good thing Daddy loaded up Kyla's favourite movie on the iPod. She must've watched that movie at least 20 times during our trip.

And there's the hubby and Kaelene taking up all those seats to enjoy a nice, long nap. After almost 12 hours at the airport, we finally boarded our plane! And just after midnight, we landed at the Cabo San Jose, Mexico International Airport. After dealing with customs, we went straight to our resort about 30-40 minutes away. After checking in we went straight to our room- it was almost 2am!

This was the best room we've ever had in an all-inclusive resort so far. It had everything! But before going to bed, we had to get some food for our hungry tummies- thank God for 24/7 food and bar services!

Next up... Day 2...

Monday, June 1, 2009


The hubby and I follow a couple of TV shows together: Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl. The hubby watches other shows like Lost and Smallville. I watch America's Next Top Model and Dancing with the Stars. But all these shows are done for the season. We have nothing else to watch. Until today... The hubby came home with the complete Season 1 DVD for True Blood.

I don't know what it's exactly about. All I know is that it involves humans and vampires- Twilight-ish, it seems. I refuse to read anything about it because everytime I read something about shows/movies/books, etc., I always end up reading stuff that ruins everything for me.

Also, I know is that it won several awards and was even nominated for Best Television Series at the 2008 Golden Globe Awards.

Okay... time to watch... I'll let you guys know how it goes!