Friday, January 23, 2009


Ever since my bestfriend, Tiara, got me hooked on the Shop-a-holic series a few years back, I wished and hoped that they would make a movie out of the books. And they did. Finally! It will be officially showing on February 13th but since Tiara has crazy hook-ups, we got to go to the pre-screening earlier today at the Scotiabank Theatre.

The movie was pretty well done considering that it was based on a novel. It was a little different from the book but it worked out pretty well. It wasn't disappointing like most of the other movies based on novels. Isla Fisher was perfect for the part of Rebecca Bloomwood- the main character.

I cracked up so many times since I can totally relate to the character. You guys have to see the movie to understand what I'm talking about. HaHaHa. But I'm sure those of you who know me pretty well will understand just after watching the trailer. Enjoy!


  1. I've read 2 of those books and I find them funny although exaggerated at times. One of those books you don't need to think -- :(
    I think the movie will be fun!

  2. tita, it's one of those movies that you don't have to think about anything... if you do, you have to think about it 'her' way to understand...

  3. the movie RUINED ME. i hyperventilate now when i think about my bank account. and my debts. the movie was really cute...but it was also an eye-opener for me. "it's all about your net worth," that's what the lady from TD told me. net worth? i'm not even worth two grand. :( and i have no assets.
