Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Every other Tuesday is my payday for being on maternity leave. So every other Tuesday, as soon as I wake up, the first thing I do is get the laptop and make sure MY money did come in. Since the beginning of my maternity leave- the money always comes in!

So today is one of those Tuesdays. I woke up, took the laptop and logged in to my bank account and froze... "What!? Why would they only deposit that much- or little (in my case)?" I clicked on account summary and guess what I found?

January 13 ABM WITHDRAWAL $500

WTH?! Somebody took out $500 from my account TODAY! I knew it wasn't my hubby since he only has a couple of hundred withdrawal limit from that account per day. So I called my bank and as expected the wait time was less than a minute. I spoke to a customer service rep and told him and he said that "...it was taken from MY bank card 50 minutes ago! Well, kind of impossible. 50 minutes ago, I was still in la-la land dreaming about my next vacation (with matching sound effects- ZZZZzzzzz) and secondly, my bank card was right infront of me and it's been in my purse ALL NIGHT! So I've filed for a Fraud Report and a supervisor is supposed to call me to confirm that I wasn't the one who withdrew that amount. UGH!

So now, I have a cancelled bank card (again- this is another story) and worst of all- I am $500 poorer. What a way to start the day!

*And to whoever it was who stole money from me, "May karma bite you HARD in the butt."

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