Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I am NOT a donut person. I never understood what the big deal was about donuts. When I was in school, my friends would always have a coffee and donut combo on their desks during class. At work, my co-workers would always do 'coffee and donut runs' to Timmy's. I get the coffee part but never the donut part. Until a couple of year ago...

We were away in the States for our annual Black Friday shopping for the weekend. We decided to stop by a Dunkin Donuts for some coffee and snacks then the hubby saw it... TOASTED COCONUT DONUT. He wanted it right there and then. He went on and on about how good it was from what he remembered... blah blah... Then he made me try it. I didn't want to at first since 1) I'm not a donut person (like I said before) and 2) I'm not a fan of coconut. But he shoved a piece in my mouth anyway.

My eyes lit up... YUM! It was love at first sight... or should I say... at first taste. I wanted more! So we bought whatever they had left and couldn't stop eating it in the car and in the hotel. When we finished everything, I sent the hubby off to the nearest DD but he came back empty-handed. Apparently, not all locations carry that particular flavour. Imagine how upset I was! The next day, we dropped by every single DD store we passed by to check if they had my Toasted Coconut donut. But we had no luck. What a tease! We came back to Toronto without having any more.

Then we went to Buffalo several months later to drop-off the in-laws at the airport. And guess where we decided to drop by? Yup, DD. Lo and behold that location had my donuts! I was sooo happy! Of course, we bought everything- again! And now, even my in-laws are in-love with it.

Last week, when my family went to Michigan, I asked my mom to pick some of my donuts on their way home. I prayed so hard that the location they'd go to would have it- and my prayers were answered. I had a box of Toasted Coconut donuts waiting for me when they got back. I was sooo happy... but guess what happened?

On my way home after picking up the stuff my mom got from Michigan for us, my mother-in-law asked to be picked up and driven home. So I did. When she opened the door, she saw my box of donuts on the seat. She looked inside and her eyes lit up. And there I was thinking, "Uh-oh!" Hahaha. Yup! She asked for some and what was I supposed to say? "No, you can't have any?!" Of course not! But I did feel like a selfish little brat thinking... "There goes a couple of my donuts." Tsk tsk. But it's all fine... really. If she hadn't taken those 2 donuts, I would've gained even more weight than I did already!

But one more thing... I know... Can you believe I'm writing this much about some stupid, fattening donut? The next day, I went downtown with the hubby. He wanted to pass by Timmy's before going to his meeting. So we did. And guess what they had? Yes, my donuts! And of course, we bought whatever was left. But same issue again: they're only sold at select locations. BOO! Oh and one last thing (I swear!)... The Timmy's version is much better than DD's.

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