Monday, June 1, 2009


The hubby and I follow a couple of TV shows together: Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl. The hubby watches other shows like Lost and Smallville. I watch America's Next Top Model and Dancing with the Stars. But all these shows are done for the season. We have nothing else to watch. Until today... The hubby came home with the complete Season 1 DVD for True Blood.

I don't know what it's exactly about. All I know is that it involves humans and vampires- Twilight-ish, it seems. I refuse to read anything about it because everytime I read something about shows/movies/books, etc., I always end up reading stuff that ruins everything for me.

Also, I know is that it won several awards and was even nominated for Best Television Series at the 2008 Golden Globe Awards.

Okay... time to watch... I'll let you guys know how it goes!